Choosing an SEO Specialist

Although there is no guarantee that search engine optimisation (SEO) will get you the #1 position on Google or that it will bring thousands of people to your website each day, you can only benefit from making your website more search engine-friendly. But only under condition that you choose an SEO specialist wisely. Firstly, SEO services aren’t exactly inexpensive and secondly, the use of unethical tools that deceive search engines can cause serious damage to your website’s rankings and online reputation. When the search engines figure out that they have been mislead or deceived, there is no way to escape demotion in search results pages or even removal from their databases.

If you want your investment in SEO to return and avoid potential penalties from search engines, you are recommended to pay attention to the factors below when choosing an SEO specialist:

References. Considering the potential consequences of irresponsible SEO, you can’t afford to hire a specialist who has no references. Always ask the specialist to provide you with previous outcomes of their SEO campaigns to make sure that they really deliver what they promise.

Experience with SEO. Just because the specialist provides you with a long list of happy clients that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re safe with them. Ideally, you should look for an SEO specialist who has years of experience with making websites more search engine-friendly. Why? Because if they are in the SEO industry for years it means they probably deliver both good results and avoid the use of potentially damaging tactics. With a specialist who has just entered the industry, you can’t really know what you are getting. You may get a high value for your money but you may also find yourself looking for penalty recovery within a year or two.

Tools and techniques used. You should know exactly where your money goes and what tools and techniques will be used to improve your website’s visibility. If the specialist tends to be secretive and avoids answering your questions, you better look for SEO services elsewhere.

Time needed to see the results. You probably want to see the results of your SEO campaign as soon as possible. However, keep in mind that faster doesn’t necessarily mean better. In fact, it is often the other way around. While results that last typically take quite some time, fast results typically don’t last because they often involve the use of unethical tactics.

Cost. As with most things, you can expect to get what you pay for when it comes to SEO as well. It is also possible to find quality services at a reasonable price but it is a good idea to avoid extremely inexpensive SEO providers. They need a large number of clients to create a decent profit which in turn can be achieved only on the expense of quality.